Tuesday, January 23, 2018


  • As I continue my meditative sabbatical, I continue to try to get out and around, but without the edge of thinking what I may write or what pictures I should take.  That has been refreshing and rejuvenating.  In the heart of winter, the Huntington area remains as beautiful as anywhere else on Earth.  I begin my new quest with that as one of the core elements of my fortunate life.
  • A few pictures from Crab Meadow and Northport on a relatively moderate day with heavy cold fog.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Harbor has iced all the way across, not so thick yet as to crush remaining boats in the inexorable tides.
  • Holidays, New Year, and extreme cabin-fever-inducing weather have combined with hysterical political television and crowded family duties to create personal malaise.  Part of that is simply adjusting to everything in my life that has changed.  The old schedules and routines do not hold, and all my energy is required to readjust.
  • So for a while this blog is cut back severely.  Sometimes there will be no entries.  At the moment, I plan not much in the way of ongoing work until March.  By then, it may resume or not, it may have moved somewhere else, it probably will have a new focus and format.
  • But as of now I predict nothing.  My creative mind feels as frozen as the bay.